Wednesday, 29 May 2013

REPOST: Community service help launches a new and innovative charity fundraising program

This article talks about Community Service Help launching a new charity fundraising program.  


Community Service Help has just announced the launch of a brand new charity fundraising program that will help manage non-profit organizations’ court ordered volunteer programs. Called Community Service Help for Charities, the program is a free service for all 501(c)3 non-profits.

Recently, the courts have frequently assigned community service to at-risk individuals. Because many people wish to fulfill their community service obligations at a non-profit organization, this has caused many charities to become overburdened with scheduling, required supervision, insurance and other tasks to manage and track the individuals. Unfortunately, these issues have caused some charitable organizations to stop working with court ordered volunteers.

Thanks to the new charity volunteer management program at Community Service Help, non-profits will have all of the extra work associated with court ordered workers taken care of. The online community service program includes electronic supervision, volunteer hour tracking, time sheets and logging, court reporting, and any necessary phone calls and customer support.

In addition to being completely free for the non-profit organization, the new program’s benefits include a $20 donation for every volunteer referred, statistics and volunteer tracking, and— because of the lack of restrictions based on the person’s type of crime, location, age or disability—unlimited volunteer placement opportunities.

“Don't stress about your court ordered volunteers, let Community Service Help manage your entire court volunteering program,” an article on the company’s website noted, adding that through its innovative volunteering platform they will handle everything on behalf of the non-profit organization from start to finish.

“Rehabilitation is always more powerful than punishment. By giving someone a chance to enrich their life and gain new skills Community Service Help seeks to rehabilitate at risk individuals and provide them with the tools they need to be a successful member of society.”

Anybody who would like to learn more about Community Service Help and its charity fundraising program is welcome to visit the organization’s website at any time; there, they can read in-depth information about the new service and the very tangible ways it helps both non-profits and those who need to finish their community service hours.

SharonYounkin, Ph.D., served as the Director for Community Service Programs at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health.  More pertinent news about healthcare and community service can be found on this Twitter page.